
We offer a number of tools that can change how a therapist works with children and families.  They include journal entries and behavior tracking.

When children play, they often play out past experiences.  Some foster parents will literally script what their children are saying while they play because they are playing out their trauma.  This scripting and journaling helps document and build the child's trauma narrative, giving the therapist wonderful insights into the life experiences of the child.

Journaling and behavior tracking save therapists valuable time.  Diana Steketee, a therapist at LifeFocus Mental Health in Michigan, who uses FosterCare.Team in her work with children in foster care, said it this way:


I’m able to come in after reading their journal entries and be more prepared for what’s actually needed in the session.  What used to happen is that we would spend the first hour just catching up on what’s going on with the kids.


Diana Steketee, MA, LLP, RPT



With FosterCare.Team, therapists have the opportunity to research ways to help before the session even begins.  In fact, some therapists will alter their therapy plans based on information revealed in a foster parent's journals.  It allows them to deliver the exact kind of treatment the child needs when they need it.

Additionally, parents don't have to talk about the negative behaviors with a therapist in front of the child.  Instead, they can talk about the good choices and experiences and save the tougher items to be shared fully and accurately in a journal or discussion topic on FosterCare.Team.  This improves the accuracy of what is communicated to therapists because parents don't have to speak in code in front of their children.  It also helps boost the child's self esteem and self worth by hearing the good items being shared and not all of the challenging, negative experiences.

Steketee says that FosterCare.Team streamlines communication, allowing her to have more time for self-care.


Although there are many advantages in using the program, I believe the greatest advantage is that all individuals are connected and it minimizes the phone tag and lack of communication that is often experienced in the foster care system due to workloads and busy schedules.  This program has eliminated the frustration that often comes with a lack of communication.


Dr. Carmen B., Licensed Psychologist, RPT-S



The behavior tracking is a powerful tool in measuring the effectiveness of therapy over time and also in identifying triggers, patterns and the frequency of behaviors.

The discussion module is a great module for remote troubleshooting of problems.  Solutions shouldn't have to wait until the next therapy session.  Our collaboration platform helps reduce the gap between issue identification and issue resolution.  This makes sure the needs of children are met as soon as possible, and it provides prompt support to foster parents dealing with an issue.  

Price: Free with the purchase of foster care caseworker seats

We license our system to child welfare agencies based on the number of foster care caseworkers using the system.  Everyone else is free, including counselors and therapists.  If your agency doesn't offer foster care services, but you would like to utilize our system, please contact us.